Call for Papers para a Conferência Internacional The Culture of Peace in Europe During the Great War

Está aberto o Call for Papers para a Conferência Internacional «The Culture of Peace in Europe During the Greart War», que decorrerá na Universidade de Sevilha entre os dias 26 e 27 de Novembro de 2014. O prazo limite para a apresentação de propostas é 15 de Junho de 2014.

Nos dias 26 e 27 de Novembro de 2014 decorrerá na Universidade de Sevilha a Conferência Internacional «The Culture of Peace in Europe During the Great War». A submissão de propostas para esta Conferência Internacional, que ocorrerá na Universidade de Sevilha, deverá ser enviado para os organizadores do evento até 15 de Junho de 2014.

Os organizadores enviaram-nos a seguinte informação:

«In August 1914 the European powers were drawn into a conflict that blurred frontiers all over the Old Continent and invalidated the international order under construction. Until then, the establishment of laws of war had apparently demonstrated the European nations' commitment to the modern ideals of progress and civilization. Actually, the two Hague Conferences (1899, 1907) had traced an unsuccessful path to a system of regulative cooperation between states. However, despite the peacekeeping failure, the rhetoric of peace -actively promoted by pre-war pacifism campaigns- forced warring states to justify publicly their entry into the conflict. Therefore, from the very onset, the question of war guilt assumed special emotional importance in belligerent societies. So, the controversy around international responsibilities had a momentous impact on the contemporary perceptions of war, going far beyond the armistice.Particularly, Germany's role continues to be most controversial. But even so, major interpretations are still based on Fischer's claims that Berlin's "grasp for world power" was the main reason for the European catastrophe. Moreover, the pictures of "the Rape" of Belgian neutrality gave a depiction of the German assault on international rights and humanitarian principles. So the aggression against neutrality set one of the primary stages for discussing issues of legal liability and moral culpability, with also significant developments in the field of war propaganda. In general warfare demonstrated that categorical imperatives had little to do with international realities, because laws turned out to be relative, flexible and adaptable depending on the political, economic and geostrategic interests at stake. The illusory safety that rested upon the presumable inviolability of international laws was challenged "by the perpetration of all kind of acts in contravention of every written and unwritten law that stood in the way of belligerent targets".In such a view, for instance, the economics also had a deep impact on initial belligerent actions towards neutrals. German litteleuropa and the British blockade were two main issues in political and diplomatic correspondence between belligerent and neutral powers behaviour expected of a neutral state".

On these bases, the neutrality remains an understudied topic by comparison to those related to belligerent societies, which have traditionally been the focus of the international scholarship. Generally, historians of the conflict have marginalized the role of neutrals as much as the historians from neutral countries had failed to care the role of total war. Within the centennial of the First World War, the neutral question thus continues to be open to discussion.Nations and their people often viewed the conflict from different perspectives. For instance, Spanish historiography of the war has been dominated by a national perspective focusing on the collapse in the Restaurationist system between 1917 and 1923. But this primary domestic approach tends to neglect the consequences of total war within a transnational context. Actually, the place of Spanish neutrality in the general map of the conflict is worthy of further consideration, widening the scope of the research from a comparative European perspective and crossing perceptions and expectations of peace and war. This international conference, open around neutrality in the general framework of the First World War, will discuss the significance of total war for the European learning curve as well as for collective expectations of integration in the XXth century.

The paper submission will include the abstract and contact details. We would kindly ask to keep a limit of 350 words for the proposal. We also expect a short academic cv from the applicants.

ALL PROPOSALS FOR PAPERS SHOULD BE SUBMITTED TO: Este endereço de email está protegido contra piratas. Necessita ativar o JavaScript para o visualizar.


The evaluation of the submitted proposals will be ensured by the Scientific Committee of the Conference.

After notification of acceptance, a Conference fee in amount of EUR 80 will have to be paid until 15th August 2014. The Organizing Committee»

